The objective of this research is to examine the experiences of two English language learners in enhancing their listening abilities through a narrative approach. The research was conducted at a private university in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, specifically in English Department. The participants in this study are two students at the university. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews, then analysed using thematic analysis to identify key themes related to the development of listening proficiency. The results indicated that both learners had their first listening lesson in high school. The first listening material consists of listening to songs. Furthermore, the participants encountered difficulties in their learning to listen in high school. These included challenges in understanding the accent and speaking speed of native speakers, as well as internal problems in the right ear in one of the participants. To overcome these difficulties, the participants employed a number of strategies, including Watching films, listening to music and podcasts in English. Furthermore, the participants engaged in repeated listening to the audio materials in order to enhance their comprehension of the content. During their college years, participants encountered several challenges in enhancing their listening skills. These included audios that played too fast, accents that were increasingly diverse, and difficulties in focusing on listening to audio.
Keywords: Challenges, English Language Learners, Experiences, Strategies
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