Pengaruh Motivasi, Kompensasi Dan Strategic Leadership Terhadap Work Performance Pada Koperasi Agro Niaga Kecamatan Jabung, Kabupaten Malang

Ni’matus Sururi, Abdul Kodir Djaelani, Mohammad Rizal



This research was conducted at the Jabung Agro-commerce cooperative. The purpose of this research is to test and analyze the influence of motivation, compensation and strategic leadersip on the work performance of employees at the koperasi agro niaga Jabung

The variables used are motivation, compensation and strategic leadership as independent variables, while the work performance variable is the dependent variable. The samples used in this study were 80 permanent employees in the koperasi agro niaga Jabung. The results showed that motivation and compensation have no significant effect on the performance of the koperasi agro niaga Jabung, while the strategic leadership variable has a significant impact on the performance of agro-commerce cooperative workers.


Keywords: motivation, compensation, strategic leadership and work performance

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