
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to prove the results of the relationship between student perceptions in listening and listening skills of even semester students of the Islamic University of Malang. This research uses quantitative methods and correlation studies. The research instrument was a questionnaire and students' listening scores. The questionnaire is a closed questionnaire and an open questionnaire. Researchers used multiple correlation with the SPSS application. The result of the change in the significance value of F is 0.314> 0.05, which means there is no correlation. The correlation coefficient about the closeness between variable X and variable Y shows a result of 0.354, which means that the degree of relationship between variable X and Y is included in the weak correlation category. In the open-ended quest on data the researchers found, the results of students' anxiety about listening online, 28 out of 30 students were worried about not listening and were not comfortable with online listening activities, and 2 out of 30 students felt that there was no problem with online listening.

Keyword:  Students’ Perception, Listening Skills, Students’ Listening Scores

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