Abstract: Learning with autonomy is one of the many processes to mastering and gaining knowledge. Focus on an EFL student who has the fortune to master English through their autonomous journey in a movie. This study aimed to present some stories about the English movie to support student autonomous learning across specific strategies in a private senior high school in Java, Indonesia. For research design, this study used a narrative inquiry with a qualitative research approach. The researcher took 2 students selected from the third-grade students, based on the observation, and asked for their permission to be engaged in this study as participants. The procedure of this research involved two steps; validating the interview guidelines and taking the participants into the deep interview section. To analyze the data, the researcher used a thematic review by Braun and Clarke. The finding informs us that English movies can construct autonomous learning for EFL students effectively. However, there are multiple aspects to autonomous learning, including self-planning, self-monitoring, and self-reflection. Based on these categories, participants were fortunate in the first phase (self-planning); as seen by the interview portion, they used to simply observe without any other explicit strategy for learning.
Key Words: Autonomous Learning, English Movies, EFL Students.
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