Abstract: By using a narrative inquiry approach, this research will analyze students' stories or experiences in facing challenges or anxiety in mastering a foreign language while abroad and how much anxiety can affect their language learning process and identify strategies or efforts made by students to overcome anxiety in learning a foreign language. Two Indonesian students who have studied abroad participated in this study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using narrative analysis, to collect narrative data in the form of stories or narratives about the experience of anxiety in language learning as well as the factors that influence anxiety in graduate students who are studying abroad. These findings revealed the significant impact of anxiety on students' language learning, such as inconsistent use of English by lecturers, fear of mistakes, difficulties in grammar, and different accents. Anxiety affects comprehension, presentation and writing, leading to overthinking, reduced motivation and low self-confidence. A supportive social environment and university are essential for reducing anxiety, while technology can help with language learning. Effective strategies include various learning techniques, building confidence, maintaining a supportive network, and overcoming psychological barriers. Overall, continuous learning, support and risk-taking are essential for managing and reducing language learning anxiety.
Keywords: narrative inquiry; language learning anxiety; international studentsFull Text:
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