Yuliana Ayu Pertiwi


Abstract: Learners may face anxiety when they try to deliver a presentation or speech in public. Delivering a speech or oral presentation in front of a live audience of classmates in the classroom can cause anxiety, which is called public speaking anxiety. Whether male or female, learners often have to face fear, especially in public speaking classes. Thus, it is crucial to analyze the anxiety level of third-semester students in the public speaking class and to determine the different levels of anxiety experienced by male and female students in public speaking classes during presentations at Universitas Islam Malang.  A quantitative approach with descriptive quantitative and causal-comparative design was used in this study. The participants were 20 male students and 35 female students from three public speaking classes. The researcher used a Public Speaking Class Anxiety Scale (PSCAS), which was constructed by Yaikhong & Usaha (2012), as a questionnaire in Google Forms to collect the data. The findings of this study revealed that the first research problem question showed the average total was 3.14, which is considered moderate. This pointed out that the learners experienced moderate levels of public speaking anxiety. The learners indicated increased heart rate, thought incompetent, and started panicking. It revealed that the learners sometimes experienced communication apprehension, test anxiety, fear of negative evaluation and comfort in using English during public speaking activity. Also, the second finding revealed that there is no significant difference in public speaking anxiety levels experienced by male and female students in public speaking classes during presentations at Universitas Islam Malang.

Keywords: presentation, public speaking, public speaking anxiety.

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