Nadiyatus Sabila


Abstract: The aim of this study is to measure the level of students’ satisfaction in speaking classroom and to find the correlation between EFL classroom satisfaction and their speaking skills during online speaking class. This study analyzed students’ satisfaction and their speaking scores to measure the relationship through quantitative approach. The respondents of this study were 60 undergraduate students from Speaking class of English Department, University of Islam Malang. The data was gained through questionnaires and analyzed with SPSS 20. The result showed that the overall mean of students’ satisfaction is 3.4 which fall into medium category. The result showed that the instructors or teachers became the main factor that influenced students' satisfaction with mean 3.7. Followed by linguistics related items, education system and facilities related items, social 2 related items, course book related items, and psychological related items. The second result of the study revealed that the significant value was .029 (<0.05) and it proved that the students speaking skills correlated with their speaking classroom satisfaction. To gain depth understanding on what factors that had highest influence on students’ classroom satisfaction, the six subscales from questionnaire were measured to find the average scores. Even though this research proved that classroom satisfaction has correlation with students’ achievement, more research in classroom satisfaction needs to be studied for other three skills (listening, writing, and reading).

Keywords: Speaking Skill, EFL Students Satisfaction, Classroom Activity

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