Students' Perception of the use Speaking Presentation Method toward Speaking Ability

Emiliyah Emil Emil


Abstract : This study presents an investigation of students' perception of the use speaking presentation method toward their speaking ability. This study aims to find out: how students’ perceive the use of speaking presentation method at Madrasah Aliyah Al- Ma’arif Singosari. The design of this study is qualitative research. The participants in this study were third grade at Madrasah Aliyah Al- Ma’arif Singosari. This study used semi structured interview to collect the data. The researcher used purposive sampling to choose three students who are good in presentation in the class. This research results show that students’ perception of learning speaking presentation in class have positive response. The three participants expressed their joy enthusiasm, excitement and challenge with the speaking presentation task. Through speaking presentation task, students can demonstrate English language skills, improve English language skill and practice self-confidence. Even though they have made a mistake during presentation, they get feedback and correction from the teacher. And from this feedback the students realized that they still needed to improve their speaking skill. 

Keywords : Key words: English Presentation, Speaking Ability, Students' Perception


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