Risky Novia Rahmadany


Abstract : Blended learning, a combination of online digital media and traditional classroom methods, aims to maximize the benefits of both face-to-face and online learning. This study explores students' perceptions of blended learning in reading courses at the University of Islam Malang. Conducted at the English department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, the research employs descriptive qualitative methods to deeply understand how EFL students perceive blended learning for reading comprehension. The data collection involves in-depth interviews with three fourth-semester English major students, selected based on questionnaire results. The results reveal that students hold a predominantly positive perception of the blended learning method in their reading comprehension. Their positive judgment stems from using this approach for about two years and experiencing several benefits. They find blended learning to be a balanced and enjoyable learning experience. Online reading instructions allow for flexible and self-controlled learning environments. Students also report that the blended learning method makes the reading course easier to follow and enhances their overall learning. The reading materials are clearly illustrated and easy to understand. Moreover, the integration of online activities increases interaction, thoughtfully structured in terms of duration and purpose. The study concludes by providing implications and recommendations for further research, emphasizing the importance of observing the application of blended learning methods for achieving improved outcomes.

Keywords : Student's perception, Blended Learning, Reading comprehension

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