
Abstract : This study aimed to find out the learning strategies used by law and engineering students and to compare the learning strategies used between law and engineering students in ESP context. As we know that learning strategies are divided into two groups. The first is direct strategy that consists of memory, cognitive, and compensation strategies. Another strategy is indirect strategy that involves metacognitive, social, and affective strategies. The researcher used a quantitative approach using a survey adapted from Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) 7.0 by Oxford. Participants in this study were 32 law students and 31 engineering students. Using independent sample t-test data analysis techniques to find out the difference between them.The results of this study showed that law students more often use metacognitive strategies (M = 4.37) and for strategies that are rarely used by law students are social strategies (M = 4.16). As for engineering students, learning strategies that are often used are affective strategies (M = 4.44) and for strategies that are rarely used are social strategies (M = 4.23). The results also showed that there was a significant difference in the use of affective strategies by both and H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected (p value> 0.05).

Keywords : Learning strategies, law students, engineering students, English for specifi purposes

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