Marwan Romadhon



Abstract : This Research describes students’ belief using Google Translate in English writing paragraph. Student’s belief in this research was what students think about Google Translate and how it affects them in writing paragraph. The research was focused on the advantages and disadvantages, solution and problem found in using Google Translate. This study used a descriptive quantitative method. The researcher used a questionnaire as the instrument. The participants were 45 students of English Education Department at University of Islam Malang. The researcher shared a questionnaire to collect the data. Since the research objectives are to find out and to describe the students of academic year 2021/2022 about students’ beliefs in using GT in English paragraph writing. In this descriptive analysis, frequency and percentage are used to find out whether the research variables are included in the categories of very high, high, moderate, less, and very less. In another section, descriptive analysis is also discussed based on the results of the frequency distribution of respondents' answers and the percentage of categories in each indicator and variable. Based on the questionnaire, the results of this research showed that students had different perceptions of paragraph writing using Google Translate. Positive users and Negative users were the two groups into which the researcher had classified the students. Students who felt that Google Translate was fully beneficial to them and who felt comfortable using it in writing class were considered as positive users. While negative users were characterized as the students who lacked confidence when using Google Translate, despite the fact that they continued to use it, in some cases, found it useful as a quick dictionary in the writing paragraph. According to the results of the questionnaire, which was completed by 45 students, there were 19 positive and 26 negative users in the Writing II class.

Keywords : Students' beliefs, Google Translate, English Paragraph writing

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