Abstract : This study examined improvised English speaking skills with the mind maping method. Speaking is one of the English skills that are asked to be able to do. By speaking, it is seen clearly how well the speaker's grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and ability to comprehend a message and deliver ideas. Learning to speak is not easy, however, especially for international students. Speaking in a language is especially difficult for foreign language learners because effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions.
Developing modern and conventional learning methods is needed a resistance method, namely, there is the ability of the teacher to "listen" the students are able to speak, read, practice, and carry out learning actions tentatively and constructively in order to be able to create a more lively, easy and careful learning environment.
Choosing the right teaching method is very influential on the effectiveness of learning. Accuracy of using method Teaching is influenced by many factors, including the nature of the objectives to be achieved, the state of students, teaching materials, and situations learn how to teach. Mind maps are the easiest way to place information into the brain and take information out of the brain. Mind mapping, or what is often called a mind map, is a creative way for students individually to generate ideas, take notes, lessons or plan new research.
Mind mapping, or what is often called a mind map, is a creative way for students individually to generate ideas, take notes, lessons or plan new research. By using the mind mapping learning method, students experience an increase in speaking skills. This can be seen from the achievement of students in the speaking test in terms of accuracy (pronunciation) in VII B SMP 1 Karangploso which is increasing after the mind mapping method is applied. Then, using the mind mapping method can increase self-confidence at the SMP 1 Karangploso level, which has increased self-confidence. Furthermore, the mind mapping method made the speaking skills of grade VII B students of SMP 1 Karangloso increase by 15%.
Keywords:Â Mind mapping method, Teaching speaking, Speaking skill
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