Luky Nur Azizah


Abstract: This article investigates the students’ self perception toward their speaking fluency after taking English course in Kampung Inggris Pare. The purposes of this research are to find out graduted students of Kampung Inggris Pare perception of their speaking fluency and investigate how students’ perceive the importance of taking English course in Kampung Inggris Pare. This research designed the qualitative research with descriptive qualitative as the approach. The interview was done to collect the data. The interview questions were adopted from Adriani (2017). The participants were ten selected students who have ever joined English course at least two weeks, from different semester of English education at UNISMA. The result of the data found that graduated students perceive that they have intermediate speaking level and they got improvement after taking course in Kampung Inggris Pare. Such as more confident to speak and can be more fluent in speaking. Some factors that influence their speaking such as afraid of making mistakes, worried about making grammatical errors, feeling nervous and not confident, lack of vocabularies and pronunciation, and lack of practice. The important of taking English course in Kampung Inggris Pare because of supported environment and friendly tutors out there can help students in learning English. Besides, Pare also applied various strategies in learning speaking that different from material taught at school. The material were taught based on students’ speaking level.  However, teachers can adapt the learning style from Kampung Inggris Pare to their speaking class

Keywords: Students’ Perception, Speaking Fluency, Kampung Inggris Pare Course.

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