Akhdan Nuafrrozi, Khoirul Asfiyak, Shofiatul Jannah


The current development of technology has greatly influenced human life, making it more convenient. Technology has become an inseparable part of human life. Technological advancements profoundly impact the payment system, where digital payment methods have become prevalent. In Indonesia, the use of digital payment methods, such as e-money, is relatively new, and a diverse range of e-money payment methods are available. One notable development in e-money payments is the introduction of "buy now, pay later" schemes, commonly known as pay-later. In Indonesia, various platforms offer pay-later services; one example is Go-paylater. The use of Go-paylater has significantly eased the lives of individuals. Go-pay later collaborates with several e-commerce platforms, providing pay-later services as an authorized payment method. In response to these developments, Indonesia's legal framework has addressed the situation by issuing regulations as requirements for legal e-commerce and rules governing the permissibility of pay-later practices. Additionally, Islamic law has also addressed contemporary buying and selling practices, considering that the majority of Indonesia's population adheres to Islam. Many scholars argue that pay-later practices are akin to borrowing and lending (al-qard) in Islamic law, and the act of shopping on e-commerce platforms is likened to the practice of istijrah, meaning mutual pulling or attracting.


Keyword: The digital development, paylater, gopay-later, the law of gopaylater.

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