Muhammad Zacky Abdillah Zaine, Shofiatul Jannah, Nur Hasan


Marriage is a bond between a man and a woman that involves physical and emotional relationships with the aim of forming a happy family. One of the main purposes of marriage is to continue offspring, although reproduction itself involves more than just having offspring. Preparing yourself as well as possible before and after having children is important. Childfree refers to couples who deliberately choose not to have children after marriage. One of the reasons behind this phenomenon is the influence of several ideologies and thought patterns. There are several cases regarding Childfree, one of which is that the Childfree phenomenon has also become popular in Japan and has had a significant impact on the decline in population in that country. Therefore, there is concern that if the Childfree trend continues, in the not-too-distant future the population will experience a dramatic decline, which will impact the stability of human resources and national economic productivity. This type of research is literature research or library research with a normative approach. There are four reasons why people choose Childfree, the first is health reasons, the second is population density, the third is psychology and the fourth is economics. The reason for Childfree can be justified if it can harm the mother and child, however, if you are healthy and do Childfree, this can increase the risk of uterine cancer and breast cancer.

Kata kunci: Fenomena, Childfree, Hukum Islam

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