Family harmony is the dream and dream of every human being in life. Through an analysis of family harmony in higgs domino online game activist families. This study aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how to manage family harmony and how certain factors can moderate this impact. The results of this study can provide guidance and recommendations in managing harmonious family conditions discussing the problem of analyzing family harmony in higgs domino activist families. The type of research that the authors use in this study is normative legal research. This research can be categorized as a qualitative approach. The qualitative method or qualitative approach is an approach that is carried out in its entirety to the research subject where there is an event where the researcher becomes a key instrument in a study. The condition of families playing higgs domino games is that there is friction between family members, such as frequent fights, lack of attention between family members, unstable economy, lack of time with family and lack of communication. When family members focus on playing the higgs domino game, their focus on playing the higs domino game also affects their emotional state.
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