Marriage is a physical and spiritual union between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family based on faith in God Almighty. The focus of this research is what is the point of view of the 4 Madzab Imams in Q.S Al-Maidah verse 5 on the people of the book and what is the point of view of the 4 Madzab Imams in Q.S Al-Maidah verse 5 on the law of marriage between Muslims and non-Muslims? This study uses a comparative qualitative approach to the type of library research. The data collection method used is the existing document method, be it books, scriptures, articles and so on that have a relationship with this problem. The results of this study are that Imam Hanafi said that the People of the Book are not only Jews and Christians, but people who have faith in the prophets and the books revealed by Allah SWT. Imam Syafi'i explained that the People of the Book are Jews and Christians descended from Israel. Imam Malik stated that other than Jews and Christians are not included in the People of the Book. The Hanbali School whoever believes in one of the Prophets or believes in a book that was revealed by Allah is one of the People of the Book. Meanwhile, Imam Hanafi and Syafi'i argue that Muslim marriages with non-Muslims are valid if they fulfill the pillars and conditions of marriage. The opinion of Imam Malik and Hambali was that their marriage was damaged because it was declared valid and they had to fulfill the requirements as Muslims.
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