Mashuri Mashuri, Ach. Faisol, Ach. Faisol, Syamsu Madyan, Syamsu Madyan


In marriage, which is found in the life of a married boat, the purpose and purpose of marriage is not just an ordinary bond, but very sacred and holy. In marriage relations, as happened in the past and present, there are several problem events that arise in domestic life. Then there is such a thing as underhand marriage, also known as sirri marriage. Secret marriages without the knowledge of the surrounding community often occur because it is a problem that has existed for so long. Marriage registration is the most basic thing that must be carried out due to some growing problems such as death or memory loss. If this happens, witnesses who know will have an impact later on if a problem or problem occurs in the family later. In this case the Office of Religious Affairs as the vanguard under legal protection, relations with the community can be separated regarding marriage. According to what is contained in Islamic religious teachings it is recommended to obey the law as long as this does not conflict with Shari'a. This research is an attempt to find out about the comparison of sirri marriage law in terms of positive and Islamic law

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