M. Abdul Rozak, Dzulfikar Rodafi, Dwi Ari Kurniawati


Kafaah in marriage in today's life, of course, there are many different perspectives on the law of kafaah in marriage, both for ordinary people and for marriages between a sharifah and a non-sayyid, with various forms of marriage in Indonesia, we find many differences in traditions and forms of marriage.  happened, especially the marriage between Syarifah and Sayyid. The marriage of a sharifah with a man whose background does not have a lineage to the prophet or can be called a non sayyid, many people have different opinions, there are some who think it is permissible with the important reason that both of them love each other regardless of their lineage background.  there are also those who argue that it is not permissible for reasons that are not kafaah or there are also those who say a sharifah must marry a sayyid in order to protect the bloodline of the Prophet Muhammad.  In the research findings it was found that the concept of kafaah in Islam is still the subject of debate among scholars, The concept of kafaah in sharifah and non-sayyid marriages from the perspective of Islamic law cuts off the blood of the descendants of the ahlul bait, maintains a culture that has been held for thousands of years, Implementation of the concept of kafaah in sharifah marriages with  non-sayyid, namely the feeling of trauma that made Syarifah marry a non-sayyid.

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