Rijal Aditya Ahmad Hidayat, Syamsu Madyan, Humaidi Kaha


This research was conducted because the implementation of Islamic law, especially the distribution of inheritance, has not been fully implemented in Indonesian society, especially in Sojokerto Village, Wonosobo Regency, this is because there is local customary wisdom law and has been running for a long time, then it became the custom of the local community. In addition, the researcher wants to see how the views of Islamic law are related to the implementation of customary wisdom law in the distribution of inheritance, as well as how the views of religious leaders respond to these problems. It is from this background that this research is raised and used as a theme in this thesis. The purpose of this research was carried out in addition to originating from the background that has been explained, namely 1) To describe how the practice of inheritance distribution is adjusted to custom in the Muslim community of Wonosobo. 2) To analyze the views of Islamic law on inheritance and the practice of negotiating such laws with local customs and culture. 3) To describe the views of Muslim leaders in the Wonosobo community and the disagreements between them in interpreting the teachings of Islamic inheritance law, as well as negotiating them with local customary law.

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