In an effort to understand the above principles of the Prophet SAW, the researcher is interested in knowing the perspectives of two major fiqh figures in formulating fatwas on Islamic sharia law, namely Imam Syafi'i and Imam Malik. Because there are many ways to understand a law without doing ijtihad or judging something using our own minds. This research is normative legal research or also known as doctrinal legal research or library research. Library research can thus also be said as the opposite of empirical research (field research). From some data obtained through a review of several literatures.
According to Imam Syafii, the criteria for choosing a life partner are a. Dinayah (level of religious quality in Islam. b. Lineage (heredity) c. Hirfah (occupation) d. Freedom according to Imam Maliki, the criteria are religion and freedom from physical defects. , Hirfah or work, and freedom. 2. The point of view of the Imam Maliki School in the criteria for determining a spouse is only Muslim and not disabled. 3. The urgency from the point of view of the two Imams in determining a life partner is to focus on religion in marriage in accordance with the teachings The Prophet Muhammad SAW and lived according to his Shari'a and sunnah and anticipated separation in the midst of family relationships.
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