Anggun Haniatul M, Faturrahman Alfa, Nur Hasan


The purpose of marriage in Islam is that in addition to creating a sakinah family it also aims to continue offspring, but in certain cases, there are family couples without children are not offspring or young people, this condition requires that the husband and wife make various efforts in order to assemble a sakinah clan. In Leawai Village, North Seram District, East Kobi, Central Maluku Regency, there are 4 (four) family couples who do not have children. The study's objective was to ascertain the efforts to realize a sakinah family in childless family couples viewed through the lens of Islamic Law in Leawai community in North Seram District, Central Maluku Regency: East Kobi. The type of this research is field research. The methods include observation, interviews, and documentation. methods utilized for data collection. The descriptive analysis approach, which attempts The information in this investigation was examined utilizing to produce a summary of the study's topic based on the data  collected. As a result, the data obtained can reveal from the findings of this research that (1)The condition of the couple households without children in Leawai community in North Seram District, Central Maluku Regency: East Kobi, are very sakinah, although there are often disputes, both between the two parties, family members and their environment. But they can keep their families safe and intact. (2) The efforts of married couples who are without children in realizing a sakinah family in Leawai community, North Seram District, East Kobi, Central Maluku Regency, namely realizing the harmonization of relations between husband and wife, fostering relationships between family members and the environment, fostering religious life in the family, Enhance the sense of community, the quality of communication, along with family harmony by having faith in one another, being realistic, and understanding the dynamics of household life (3) In Islamic Law that all of these phenomena occur the will is to determine infertility and test some others with many daughters and test some others with many male children.


Keywords: Creating a sakinah family, Perspective of Islamic Law.

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