Hikma Ramadhan, Jazari Jazari, Nur Hasan


Marriage is a relationship that can justify any form of activity between a man and a woman who is not a mahram in which there are rights and obligations from both of them, each of which is bound to carry it out with the aim of achieving the pleasure of Allah SWT. In a family that is sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah. In Islamic law it is clearly stated that marriage is a relationship that is lawful to be carried out based on Islamic law which is regulated in the provisions of the pillars and conditions of marriage. Meanwhile, in positive law, one of the regulations in carrying out marriages is the age factor, because basically age affects someone who is going to get married, whether it's a man or a woman. In terms of thinking, how to solve problems, manage finances, even the risks when a wife gives birth at an immature age, not to mention the lack of readiness of men to provide a living, readiness in educating children both on the part of men and women, and the lack of understanding of the purpose of marriage. Therefore, to avoid these things, Law article 7 paragraph 1 Number 16 of 2019 regulates that the age limit for both men and women to enter into marriage is the age of 19 years. Therefore, this research is motivated by the existence of the phenomenon of early marriage, the causes and effects of early marriage in Bungku Timur District.

To find out more regarding this matter, the researcher used a type of field research (field research) where this research focused on the results of obtaining data or information from predetermined informants. With that this research is descriptive in nature where researchers try to collect data in the form of interviews with informants. Making systematic, factual, and accurate descriptions of the details, traits, and connections between the phenomena under study is the aim of descriptive research. From the results of this study it was also found that the main cause of the phenomenon of early marriage in East Bungku District was the factor of promiscuity which resulted in pregnancy out of wedlock and misunderstanding regarding the impact of early marriage, and the impact of early marriage according to research by researchers is that it has an impact on education, mental instability, the occurrence of domestic violence, an unstable economy and early divorce.


Keywords: Phenomenon of Early Marriage, Factors Causing Early Marriage, Impact of Early Marriage

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