Marriage is a sunnatullah that applies in general to all of His creatures, including humans, to reproduce and preserve their lives. Every marriage is not only legitimately channeling the biological relationship between man and woman, but also part of the continuation of human nature. Therefore, to reach a marriage full of grace, it would be better if the marriage begins with ta'aruf as a form of acquaintance to avoid promiscuity. As with the practice of ta'aruf before marriage carried out by teachers at the Ar-Rohmah Tahfidz Hidayatullah Islam Malang Islamic Boarding School with several stages, namely strengthening ta'aruf readiness, exchanging the course of life, ta'aruf meeting, proposal, and marriage. The practice of ta'aruf can play an important role in influencing family harmony in the future. This is due to the attitude of accepting each other's shortcomings, smooth communication, and the intention of hoping for the pleasure of Allah SWT. From an Islamic perspective, the practice of ta'aruf is in accordance with Islamic Shari'a such as the obligation to guard one's gaze, prohibition of sexual intercourse, no physical contact, and covering one's private parts.
Keywords: Ta'aruf, Marriage, Family Harmony
Full Text:
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