Muhammad Ilham Darmawan, Syamsu Madyan, Dwi Ari Kuriniawati


There are two methods for resolving inheritance disputes: first, by litigating in court, and second, by creating an alternative dispute resolution procedure (non-litigation). When the practice of using mediation first began, it was carried out by community leaders rather than being a profession or a job. As a result, a lot of them turned to community or religious leaders, particularly those from Rantau Panjang Village, to help them resolve their difficulties, one of which involved inheritance disputes. This study employs a qualitative methodology and a field research design (field research). The process of gathering the data was done through the use of documentation, interviews, and observation. The study's findings demonstrate that Rantau Panjang Village uses a customary system for inheritance distribution. Community leaders there play a significant role in resolving inheritance disputes by acting as mediators, which includes starting and directing the mediation process, ascertaining what the parties to the dispute have agreed upon, In the process of resolving disputes, among other parties: heirs and families are requested to come together and explain the portion of experts who will provide counsel. Due to the lack of a peace agreement's writing, the agreed-upon peace accord lacks executorial legal force.

Keyword: Inheritance dispute, mediator's role, non-litigation


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