Shafiyullah Kayyis, Dwi Ari Kurniawati, Shofiatul Jannah


This study aims to examine how child exploitation is viewed from Islamic law and the Child Protection Act. This research is a juridical-normative research, descriptive-analytic in nature using document/library studies techniques. The resultsof this research show that the exploitation of children is an inhumane act and has robbed children of their rights which should be guarded and protected. Islamic law strictly prohibits the exploitation of children in any form, which is confirmed in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. In line with Islamic law, the legislation also strictly prohibits acts of exploitation of children which are affirmed in the Child Protection Act. There are legal sanctions imposed for perpetrators of acts of child exploitation, in Islamic law sanctions for perpetrators of child exploitation are in the form of jarimah ta'zir whose law is completely left to ulil amri, while in the Child Protection Law, legal sanctions for perpetrators of child exploitation are regulated in Article 88 of the Law. No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. 

Keywords: Exploitation, Child, Islamic Law, Child Protection Law

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