Rifki Alauddin Rahmat, Ahmad Subekti, Dwi Ari Kurniawati


In this study, the author uses a qualitative approach, namely descriptive research (descriptive research) using the empirical juridical method. In using the descriptive method, research can learn and understand the state and condition of the object through proper interpretation through interview, observation and documentation techniques. This reserch then generates data and then reanalyzes it to produce a theory using primery data sources and secondary data sources. The primery data sorces in this stady were the Head of KUA, Junrejo District, Batu City, KUA Head of Junrejo District, Batu City, and perpetrators of early marriage in KUA, Junrejo District, Batu City. Meanwhile, secondary sources in this study are data obtained to complement or support primary data, both internal and external sources that can be used as supporting information and research support.

The results of the first study were the requirements for submitting marriages during the COVID-19 pandemic at the KUA, Junrejo District, Batu City. 07/2021. The two prospective brides, marriage guardians and 2 (two) witnesses are required to carry out an antigen swab test 1x24 hours before the marriage contract. If the person infected with COVID-19 is the prospective bride or marriage guardian, the marriage will be postponed until the antigen swab test result is negative, and if a witness is positive for COVID-19 then on that day they can find a substitute for a negative COVID-19 witness. secondly, the factor of early marriage during the COVID-19 pandemic at KUA, Junrejo District, Batu City, was caused by several factors, including the worsening economic factor during the COVID-19 pandemic which also encouraged early marriage because many people did not have jobs and chose to marry their children. , the educational factor that greatly influences the number of early marriages resulting in many children dropping out of school during the COVID-19 pandemic and choosing to marry, and the religious factor is also the reason for early marriage due to the lack of religious understanding, especially about the nature of marriage. and thirdly, the role of the penghulu in minimizing early marriage in KUA, Junrejo District, Batu City. The role of the Penghulu in principle can be carried out both before the marriage, after the marriage and until before the decision of the Religious Courts against the proposed divorce. What is done by the head of the KUA, Junrejo District, Batu City in minimizing early marriage by means of refusal to prospective brides who are still underage based on Law no. 16 years 2019 male or female partner who is still 19 years old

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