Kholifah’Tul Janna, Khoirul Asfiyak, Syamsu Madyan


As in Q.S Al-Baqarah verse 233, that the husband's obligation is to provide a living for his wife and family. Whereas in Q.S Al-Ahzab verse 33, that the main task of a Muslim wife is at home. However, there are several wives in the market of Malang who work to earn a living to meet the needs of their family, with the excuse that their husbands do not work. so that there is a discrepancy between the facts in the field and the arguments of the Qur'an and Hadith. This study uses a qualitative method with the type of case study research. Techniques Data collection is done through in-depth interviews (in-depth interview), and the method of observation. Sources of data in this study were carried out with primary data directly from informants, namely wives who worked at Pasar Besar Malang, while secondary data used supporting sources of data in this study such as articles, books, Al-Quran and hadith, etc. The results of This study concludes that the law of the wife working outside the home according to the Islamic view is permissible, in accordance with the arguments of the Qur'an and hadith. The wife works only to help the family's economy, not as a breadwinner for the family, because the husband's law provides a living for his wife and family is obligatory. And a working wife must follow the conditions determined by Islamic law, such as permission from her guardian or husband, maintain appearance, work according to the profession, and not forget the main duties of a wife

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