Fatkhi Mubarok Farizy, Khoirul Asyfiyak, Moh. Muslim


Each regional tribe has its own customs and traditions in celebrating their wedding ceremony. The wedding tradition has various symbols and variations in each tribe from one another. The use of these symbols has a certain meaning sometimes related to Islamic rules or laws. The village of Bungah Gresik has a marriage tradition that is firmly held and preserved for generations as a culture, which certainly has a symbol that contains cultural values, ethics, Islamic legal norms which are very important to be explained in the next generation According to the Bungah Gresik community, if you don't hold a wedding ceremony in accordance with the wedding tradition in the Bungah Gresik village, it will be considered that building a household is definitely not harmonious or not peaceful. This makes the symbol of tradition as one of the cultural products that are local characteristics that need to be continuously understood and absorbed by the community. The main question in this study is how the relationship between symbols and meanings in marriage in Bungah Gresik Village according to customary law and Islamic law. This research took place in the village of Bungah Gresik with qualitative methods, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The main result of this study is the finding of symbols of wedding traditions related to different perspectives, namely customary law and Islamic law such as symbols of the day, fasting, sungkeman.

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