Nadya Dewinta Gandi


In developing English as a foreign language, teachers faced issues mostly in preparing the development of the students’ potentials. Every student has the potential to grow, learn, and become a successful member of society. They have a set of weaknesses and strengths which impact their aptitude and the level at which they learn English. It becomes the teachers’ duty to find out their potential and execute with it. Consequently, it is necessary to find out and to do the investigation how exemplary Indonesian EFL teachers implemented professionally their competence in the classroom. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative method. The participants were five EFL junior high school teachers who selected by purposive selection and identified from the training and workshops at the national levels, as outstanding teacher in their school, active participation in the Teachers’ Forum (MGMP), had excellent achievements, and confirmed by principal, colleagues and several students’ perceptions. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis; collecting teacher’ certificate, scientific publications, and innovative works. The result showed that, professional teachers as great as to stake holders in the education program. As exemplary teachers, they must fulfilled the standards of four competencies stated in Indonesian Act on Teachers and Lecturers 14/2005, namely social competence, pedagogical competence, professional competence, and personality competence

Keywords: Competence, English Foreign Language (EFL), Exemplary Teacher

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