A Study on Correlation between Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Evaluation toward Students' Reading Comprehension

Rizki Awaluddin





This study is called correlational research. The types of data are quantitative data. Here, this study aims to investigate the correlation between intrinsic motivation and self-evaluation toward students’ reading comprehension. Intrinsic motivation is the performance or action of a task for its own sake. It values rewards acquired through the process of task completion, regardless of any external factors. Self-evaluation is a process through which a task or organization seeks to understand and assess the value of its work. It is an ongoing process and runs a superior sense of the evaluation process. The researcher used intrinsic motivation (IM) and self-evaluation (SE) as independent variables. In addition, reading comprehension is as a dependent variable. The sample of this research is 110 seventh grade students. The researcher conducted this research on the even semester of 2018/2019 academic year at one of state junior high school in Muncar. The students were given a questionnaire about intrinsic motivation (IM) and self-evaluation (SE). They were also given a reading test. In order to attain the objective of the study, the score was analyzed using multiple regressions in SPSS 20. The data analysis proved that intrinsic motivation (X1) is correlated at 0.492 to the students’ reading comprehension (Y). It has a medium positive correlation. The self-evaluation (X2) is correlated at 0.362 to the students’ reading comprehension (Y). It has a low positive correlation. In addition, intrinsic motivation (X1) and self-evaluation (X2) are correlated at 0.511 to the students’ reading comprehension (Y) at a significant level 0.058. Those variables have a medium positive correlation. Furthermore, students who have better intrinsic motivation and self-evaluation, they have better achievement in reading comprehension. Thus, the null hypothesis are not significantly correlated to students’ reading comprehension” was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. The writer hopes that the other researchers will investigate about intrinsic motivation and self-evaluation more comprehensively in order to get a better result for educational field.


Keywords: intrinsic motivation, self-evaluation, reading comprehension

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