Faiq Shabry, Dzul Fikri, Mutmainnah Mustofa, Sonny Elfiyanto


This study aims to determine the daily activities of a student who likes to play games,
the frequency, and the impact of playing these games in enriching the English
vocabulary skills of students and general students. The general effects of playing online
games are commonly seen in negative terms, such as saying dirty words when they
experience defeat or there an error in teamwork, so it can cause adverse effects on
students. However, this study tries to uncover other impacts that are helpful in learning
for students to understand English, especially in enriching their vocabulary skills. With
this, researchers make observations to determine what essential things are needed to
examine gamers who spends a lot of their daily activities playing games. Researchers
also try to do activities that players do to get the same feel as felt by players. After
making observations, the researchers conducted interviews. Based on the research
results collected and processed, the results of this study indicate that students need
curiosity to encourage them to enrich their English vocabulary collection. The results
showed that they experienced a slight increase in vocabulary after playing Mobile

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