Zakki Afkar Naja, Zainul Arifin


Dragon fruit is one of the main horticultural commodities in Jember Regency, with production reaching 20,103 quintals in 2022, an increase from 8,100 quintals in 2021. Although this increase in productivity indicates Jember's potential as a dragon fruit production center, the marketing system in Umbulrejo Village is still facing problems. efficiency. This research aims to evaluate marketing channels, market structure, price dynamics and efficiency of the dragon fruit marketing system in the village. The research was conducted in Umbulrejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Regency, for the period from August to September 2023. The sample of farmers was determined using a total sampling technique, including 40 dragon fruit farmers, while marketing institutions were selected using the snowball sampling method, resulting in 50 respondents from three categories: middlemen, wholesalers and retailers. The research results show that there are three marketing channels for dragon fruit, namely: Channel I: Farmers – Middlemen – Wholesalers – Retailers, Channel II: Farmers – Wholesalers – Retailers, Channel III: Farmers – Retailers. Margin and Farmer's Share analysis shows that Channel III has the lowest total margin but the highest Farmer's Share (62.24%), indicating better marketing efficiency compared to other channels. Channel II also shows efficiency with a Farmer's Share of 44.64%, while Channel I has the lowest efficiency. The entire channel shows a monopsony pattern, with higher prices at higher levels often followed by smaller increases or decreases at lower levels. The elasticity of price transmission indicates inefficiencies in marketing, with markets tending toward monopoly rather than perfect competition. In conclusion, although Channel III is the most efficient, there is still potential to increase market efficiency and reduce imperfections in the dragon fruit marketing chain in this region.


Dragon Fruit, Marketing Efficiency, Marketing Channels

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