Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan, Kepribadian Dan Lingkungan Keluarga Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa

Nur Afifah, Hadi Sunaryo, Budi Wahono



This research was conducted at the Islamic Universtas Malang Jl. Maj. Gen. 193 Malang.The purpose of this research is to test and analyze the influence of entrepreneurship education, personality and the family environment to the entrepreneurial interests of the Islamic University of Malang.The variables in this study are entrepreneurship education, personality and the family environment as independent variables whereas entrepreneurial interest variables become dependent variables in this study.The samples in this study were 61 students of the economics Faculty of Islamic University of Malang.This research uses a quantitative paradigm with a explanatory research approach. Data collection method by using primary data.The analysis used includes instrument testing, classical assumption test, normality test, multiple linear regression with SPSS help.The results confirmed that entrepreneurship education, personality and family environment have significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of the Islamic University of Malang economics.

Keyowords: Entrepreneurship education, Persobality Family anvironment Interest in Entrepreneurship

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