Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Dan Lokasi Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Kasus Pada Pelanggan toko kopma Ilham Ramadhan Universitas Islam Malang)

Firman Hidayat Nur Muhlisin, Rois Arifin, M. Hufron



This study aims to explain the problems that occur in Kopma Ilham Ramadhan University of Islam Malang shop. This study used a population of 720 respondents and through Slovin calculations obtained a sample of 88 respondents of customers Kopma Ilham Ramadhan University of Islam Malang shop. This study used a purposive sampling method that has a reference criteria in sampling. The data sources in this study used primary data through questionnaires to customers Kopma Ilham Ramadhan University of Islam Malang shop and assisted with library studies. The method of data analysis in this study used the validity test, reliability test, normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, t test, F test and multiple linear regression.

The results of this study explain that service quality has a significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty, and also the location has a significant effect on customer loyalty

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