Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Tiket Bis “PO,Titian Mas” (Studi kasus Mahasiswa Bima di Universitas Islam Malang)

Supriadin Supriadin, N. Rachma, Afi Rahmat Slamet



               The promotion mix is one of the determining factors for the success of a marketing program. In essence, promotion is a form of marketing communication, namely marketing activities that seek to spread information, influence / persuade, and / or remind target markets for companies and their products to be willing to accept, buy and be loyal to the products and services offered by the companies concerned.The success of a promotion certainly cannot be separated from how the promotion is managed strategically. As a company engaged in services, inter-city inter-provincial public transportation (AKAP) is one of the transportation that connects people from another city to one city or from another province to another province, especially students outside Java who continue their study in Java.Transportation is a vehicle that is moved by humans in order to move from one place to another. Bus is a land transportation that is widely used by students outside of Java. More than 50% of students in the provinces of NTT, NTB and Bali use bus transportation services, as transportation to the island of Java. Almost every year the number of students registered on the island of Java increases. Land Transportation Companies (Buses) connecting the islands of Sumbawa, Lombok, Bali and Java implement various types of promotional tools in order to attract consumers' attention and increase company revenue.


Kata Kunci : Bauruan Promosi,Keputusan Konsumen dan PembelianTiket

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