Pengaruh Suku Bunga Kredit, Risiko Kredit Dan Kecukupan Modal Terhadap Profitabilitas ( Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Umum Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia BEI Tahun 2013-2016 )

Tri Widiantoro Aji, Jeni Susyanti, Afi Rahmat Slamet




                    This study aims to examine the effect of lending rates as measured by SBI, credit risk as measured by non-performing loans, and the level of capital adequacy as measured by capital adequacy ratio to the level of profitability as measured by return on assets in general banking companies registered in Brsa Indonesian Securities (IDX). The population in this study is a public banking company registered on the IDX in 2013 until 2016. While this research sample was determined by purposive sampling method to obtain 17 sample companies. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis.

                    Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, this study concludes: (1) variable regression coefficient of interest rate of -0.142. This means that if the interest rate drops 1%, the level of profitability will increase by 14.2%, but this variable does not significantly influence, (2) the regression coefficient of credit risk variable is -0.334, meaning that credit risk has a significant negative effect on profitability, if credit risk falls by 1%, profitability will increase by 0.341. (3) capital adequacy coefficient level of 0.008 means that if capital adequacy rises by 1% then the level of profitability will decrease by 0.008. But the capital adequacy variable does not significantly influence profitability.

                    Based on the results of the above research, it is suggested: (1) for the company, it can be used as consideration in increasing profitability in the company. (2) For academics and subsequent research, it can add empirical evidence and knowledge regarding credit risk credit interest rates and capital adequacy to the level of profitability so that it can be input into research that is in line with this.

Keywords: credit interest rates, credit risk, capital adequacy, profitability


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