Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Kualitas Pelayanan, Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Barang “Rods Indonesiaâ€

Muhammad Akbar Cakra Negara, Agus Widarko, Eka Farida




This study aims to determine the effect of Product Quality, Service Quality, Price, and Promotion of studies in Rods Indonesia. The type of research used is quantitative research with the method of distributing questionnaires. The sample in this study were 90 respondents and data processing using the SPSS computer program. This study has met the requirements of validity and reliability. The data analysis used in this research is the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination analysis. and Promotion. The results of this study conclude that the variables of product quality, service quality, price, and promotion have a simultaneous and partial effect on purchasing decisions.


Keywords : Product Quality, Service Quality, Price, Promotion, Purchase Decision

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