Pengaruh Harga, Promosi dan Brand Image Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Grab ( Studi kasus pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Islam Malang )

Ahmad Tyas Bayu Setyo Purnomo, Muhammad Mansur, Budi Wahono



 This study plans to decide the impact of value, advancement and brand picture on customer dependability snatch. This exploration was led at FEB Islamic University of Malang and the populace is FEB understudies studying Management class 2018 Islamic University of Malang. The testing strategy in this review utilized purposive inspecting technique with an all out example of 91 respondents. The scientific strategy utilized is various straight relapse examination with IBM SPSS 25 (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) application devices. In view of testing utilizing the examination of the concurrent F test, the aftereffects of the review show that there is a huge impact between the X factors (value, advancement and brand picture) all the while on the Y variable (buyer steadfastness) and the fractional t test investigation shows that the cost variable to some extent affects the variable. shopper steadfastness, the advancement variable to some extent adversely affects the buyer reliability variable and the brand picture variable somewhat significantly affects the customer devotion variable. Keywords: Price, Promotion, Brand Image, Consumer Loyalty, Online Transportation, Grab.

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