Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Rumah Cantik Dita Skincare Kec.Sangkapura Bawean-Gresik

Aslinda Aslinda, N. Rachma, Alfian Budi Primanto




This study aims to determine product quality, price and service quality have an influence on customer satisfaction at Rumah Cantik Dita Skincare, Sangkapura District, Bawean-Gresik; knowing that product quality, price and service quality have an influence on customer loyalty at Rumah Cantik Dita Skincare, Sangkapura District, Bawean-Gresik; knowing that customer satisfaction has a direct influence on customer loyalty at Rumah Cantik Dita Skincare, Sangkapura District, Bawean-Gresik; knowing that product quality, price and service quality have an influence on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as an intervention for customers of Rumah Cantik Dita Skincare products, Sangkapura Bawean-Gresik District. This research uses purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The product quality variable was measured using eight indicators, price four indicators, service quality five indicators, customer loyalty four indicators, and customer satisfaction five indicators. The results of this study indicate that product quality, price, service quality have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction while product quality has an insignificant positive effect on customer satisfaction. Price has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Service quality has no significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Customer loyalty has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. customers can mediate the relationship of product quality power, price power, and service quality to customer loyalty.


Keywords : Product Quality, Price, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction

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