This Research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of implementing corporate governance principles on the management of village funds by the village government. This study uses a quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Tebuwung Village, Mentaras Village, Mojopetung Village, Dukuhkembar Village, Tiremenggal Village, Petiyintunggal Village, Bangeran Village, Madumulyo Village, Imaan Village, Jrebeng Village, Dukun District, Gresik Regency. Selected respondents in this study were the village Head, Village Secretary, planning committee, and finance officer were the respondents selected in this study. This research was conducted through a filling questionnaire. The principles of food corporate governance that has been discussed so far is the principle of justice. Transparency, independence, and responsibility, on the other hand, have not been implemented to their full potential. The implementation of good corporate governance is carried out in general because the village government has carried out activities in accordance with applicable regulation.
Keyword : Good Corporate Governance, Management of Village Funds, Village Government
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