Abstract: This research used correlation design with quantitative approach. For the instrument, the researcher used two kind of instruments to collect the data of o variables. The first instrument is FLCAS questionnaire sheet, developed by Horwitz et.al (1986), that contains of 33 items with 5 point Likert-Scale. This questionnaire used to measure students level of anxiety. And the second instrument is student’s documentations about the speaking achievement test. From the test the researcher got the score which is to compare with another variable to measure the correlation of each other. The researcher did not conduct the test by her-self, but it took from the data of the lecturer of speaking subject. In measuring the correlation the researcher take a theory of Pearson Product Moment. The researcher did not calculate it in manual, but used SPSS 20 program in order to make easy and valid.
The finding of this research showed the result of r calculation for students’ video blog activity and their speaking anxiety is .245. Based on the table of interpretation of r value, the result of r calculated (.245) is between -.232. This value shows that there is a positive correlation. From the significance (2 tailed), the researcher obtained the score .245. It means r>0.05 which showed Ho cannot be rejected. The result explained that there is no correlation between two variables, students’ speaking anxiety and their speaking achievement of 27 students of English Department at UNISMA.
Key words: Correlation, Student’s Speaking anxiety, Speaking achievement.Full Text:
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