achmad wahyu ilaahi


Abstract: Reading comprehension is one of four language skills that must be mastered by the students. In order to be able to interpret and absorb information from reading material, the students should have good ability in comprehending the reading. It is required in any subject, because each lesson is inseparable from the act of reading. In the fact, there are still many problems found in the teaching learning process of reading comprehension. Based  on  the preliminary study  in  the grade X of MA Zainul Hasan Probolinggo,  there  are  some students’ problems in reading comprehension as follows: Firstly, they just read a text without understanding the meaning of the content. Secondly,  they do not watch  when  the  teacher  explains  the  material  in  front  of  the  class.  Thirdly, they still have poor vocabularies, so it is very hard for them to understand the text. Fourthly, they make a noise in the class  and they do not make notes when the  teacher  writes  down  on  the  whiteboard.  Fifthly,  they  are  less  active  in  teaching learning  process.  Therefore,  their  mean score of achievement is less than 75 that is minimum mastery criterion  (KKM/Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum). To overcome the problems, Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted by using Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension.  After cycle I was done, there were 18 of 20 students (90%) who achieved above KKM and their mean score was 79.45, so that, the next cycle was not needed. Besides that, the class condition also improves such as: (1) the students were more active indicated by giving more questions, opinions and answering the teacher’s questions, (2) the students were more enjoyable and paid attention in teaching learning process, (3) the students were more more enthusiastic in reading comprehension learning process. Thus, the LRD strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension of the grade X in MA Zainul Hasan Probolinggo in academic year of 2018/2019.

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) Strategy, MA ZainulHasan.

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