Teachers' Perception Towards Teachers' Role in Teaching EFL Students

nursadila senda


  Abstract: This study aims at describing English teachers’ perceptions of teachers’ roles that most frequently performed and least frequently performed by English teachers in teaching EFL students in the classroom. The research design of this study is a quantitative study by applying a survey design. The participants of this study were 50 English teachers who teach in public and private junior/senior high schools in prevalent. Besides, the data of the study have collected by teachers’ perceptions of teachers’ role questionnaire in an online way using google form. The data were analyzed by tabulating manually, then the researcher categorized based on the tabulation. The result of the study showed that almost all English teachers always applied for the facilitator role in the learning process in the classroom. Besides, the least role often used by the English teachers was the organizer. On the other hand, another role which used by the teachers in the classroom is controller, motivator, tutor, resource, and assessor.


Keywords: Teachers' Perception, Teachers' Rules, and EFL Students

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