wilyun hamim, mutmainnah mustofa, imam wahyudi karimullah


This article aims to investigate the effect of on screen reading on students reading comprehension ability at second grade of MAN Kota Batu. The research design of this study was quantitative study pre- experimental design. The participants of this study were 28 students. There was only one group of this study, which got two different test which are on screen and printed raeding test. The test was conducted three times. The questions of this study were taken from national examintaion focuss on hortatory exposition text; consisted of 10 items in each test. The result of the study was there was significant difference in score between the students reading on screen and in printed text. From the result of the study, it can be concluded that the use of on screen reading is better than reading in printed text as it helped the students to improve their reading motivation and reading mood, so it could improve their reading score.

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