improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery by Memorizing Vocabulary Using Flashcards
This study is aimed to explain the use of memorizing vocabulary method to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Because there were still several obstacles in teaching English in class XI at Darul Lughah Wal Karomah Vocational School, one of which was that students still had difficulty in mastering vocabulary based on the results of the dialogue with the English teacher. Classroom action research is the method that researcher used in this study. There are four stages in this classroom action research such as planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Research participant of this study was twenty seven male students of Darul Lughah Wal Karomah vocational school. The setting of this study was in Darul Lughah Wal Karomah vocational high school which located in Kraksaan, Probolinggo. The results of the flashcard learning process for students in class, there were 18 students who were under the Minimum Criterion of Mastery Learning score with a score as low as 40 and a percentage of 67% in the first meeting. Then, using flashcards in the second meeting showed that twenty two students got the highest score of 90 with a percentage of 81%, while 5 students got the lowest score, namely 70 with a percentage of 19%. The score was obtained from preliminary test and cycle 1 test. The researcher answers the problem formulation in this study; the way a memorizing vocabulary method improve students' vocabulary mastery. The researcher found an improvement in students' vocabulary mastery by memorizing vocabulary using flashcards. It can be seen from the interactive students when they memorized the vocabulary and they also can answer the researcher’s question when the recall session. In this stage, the researcher saw that the class atmosphere was as active, especially when the students felt enthusiastic when mentioning the vocabulary that they had memorized.
Keywords: vocabulary master, memorizing, flashcards
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