Abstract:Watching English movies is one of the media that can help in learning to speak. This study aims to reveal students' perceptions that watching English movies can help improve their speaking skills. This study uses a qualitative approach with a single case study design. Participants in this study were 6 students majoring in English education at a university in Malang. Data collection was carried out through interviews. The interview session used a semi-structured model with 5 questions. The data will be analyzed by transcribing the recordings into written text, the data obtained will be labeled or categorized based on the answers from the research participants. The findings of this study indicate that English movies can improve students' speaking skills. Participants in this study believed and proved that learning using movies was very enjoyable, and what they got was improved speaking skills, listening skills, and increased fluency in accented pronunciation. Future research can assess the impact of various film durations and formats on students' speaking skills to determine which format is most effective in the context of speaking learning.
Keywords:Student perception, speaking skill, films.
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