Investigating EFL Junior High School Students’ Anxiety Level In Expressing Opinion In Speaking English Class

Fildzatul Husna Awalia


Abstract : This study aims to find out what level anxiety of EFL student of junior high school in expressing opinion. The The approach used in this study was descriptive research quantitative research. The subjects of this study 25 EFL junior high school student in malang city. To get the required data, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the participants via Google Form. The level of anxiety used in this research was Krinis level. And ther are three factor anxiety. Based on results factor analysis through a final version of FLCAS questionnaire adopted from Horwitz (1986), the level that gets the highest anxiety result is very anxiety with a result of 40% student. And the lowest is very relaxed with a resutl 0% student. The main factor of the data obtained is fear of negative evaluation, which is 64,32% answer are strongly agree with the meaning of many students who are anxious in expressing opinion. This means, many students are anxious with the biggest factor because fear of negative evaluation in expressing opinion on EFL junior high school students.


Keywords: Anxiety, Opinion, level

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