An Analysis of Student Anxiety in Learning English at Junior High School Baitul Makmur Malang

Adinda Alifia Aisyah


Abstact:The goal of this research is to find out the level of student anxiety at Junior High School Baitul Makmur Malang as well as the factor that lead to it. This research used descriptive qualitative methods in the form questtionaire and interview. 21 students served as the study subjects in this research. The result of this research incuding: 12 students experience mild level of anxiety and 9 students experience moderate level of anxiety. The factor that contribute to the anxiety was lack of confidence, afraid of not understanding the material and being left behind, being laughed at by peers, nervous when called or pointed in front of the class, worried of being wrong because can’t speak English, and last factors is because English is quite difficult subject to learn.


Keyword: Anxiety, Learning English, English Foreign Language

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