The differences in the use of learning strategy between extroverted and introverted students

Adeline Tallya Dara Lie


Abstract : There are various characteristic of students in the classroom and every student has their own strategies for learninglanguage, the most commoncharacteristicsof the students are personality type, which is mainly divided into extroverted and introverted. Learning strategy is divided into two groups as direct strategies and indirect strategies. In direct strategies are separated into memorystrategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. Meanwhile indirect strategies are divided into meta-cognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. The research is conducted using ex-post-facto research design study of comparative type of research to answer the research questions. The population in this study is 128 students fifth semester of English Department in University of Islam Malang with total population of and use random sampling method that aims to collect the data from 50 students with 25 extroverted and 25 introverted students. The data analyzed using independent sample t-test at SPSS 24.The result indicatedno significant differences between extroverted and introverted students in the use of memory, compensation, and affective strategies. Memory strategies extroverted students with (sig=0.873), compensation strategies (sig=0.928). Affective strategies introverted students are dominant with (sig=0.147) which is not considered as significant. Another result there are significant differences between extroverted and introverted students in cognitive, meta-cognitive, and social strategies. Introverted with higher in cognitive strategies (sig=0.041). Extroverted students in social strategies (sig=0.012). Meta-cognitivestrategies for introverted students with (sig=0.001). Those are meaning there is significant.


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